Chemicals Remaining from Sugar Cane Cultivation

2,4-D (extoxnet) (wikip) Half-life is 7-10 days in soil, other studies give 1.5 to 16 days. Major component (about 50%) of Agent Orange. Only kills dicots, leaving behind monocots.
Ametryn (extoxnet) Half-life is 70 to 250 days, depending on the soil type and weather conditions.  Ametryn is broken down into non-toxic substances by tolerant plants.
Atrazine (extoxnet) (wikip) Half-life is 13 to 261 days, other source says "60 to 100+ days". Banned in the EU. Harmful to amphibians.
Diuron (extoxnet) (wikip) Residues in soil are toxic to plants. Residue levels are lower in soils with low organic content. Residue half-lives are from one month to one year.
Glyphosate (extoxnet) (wikip) Aka. Roundup. Tightly bound to the soil, little is transferred by rain. Beakdown primarily by microbes.  Half-life from "1 to 174 days", some sources say average of 2 months, others show at little as 3 days in warm climates.  Toxicity to animals is very low.
Hexazinone (extoxnet) Half-life is 1-6 months depending on the climate and soil type.
Pendimethalin (extoxnet) Half-life is 90 days in soil. Adsorbs strongly to soil organic matter and clay and does not leach through the soil.
Trifluralin (extoxnet) The half-life 45 to 60 days (6) or about 6-8 months (2.5 kg/ha) (8). After six months to one year, 80- 90% of its activity will be gone (5).