Notes on 44-2580 Kalopa Rd.
There are initially three fenced areas: feral cane grasses (~3.1 acres), house (~1.45 acres), and an eroded, weedy goat field (~1.45 acres). Hamakua ditch runs the full length of the downhill (northern) boundary, and a drainage ditch runs along the eastern boundary.
Description Lbs ----------------------------------- --- Oregon Annual Ryegrass (Lb) 10 Sudangrass (sorghum) 20 Crotalaria juncea Sunn Hemp - Raw ( 5 Garden Combination Mix Inoculant (t 1 Cowpeas, Iron & Clay - Raw (Lb) 10
SCL200 Birdsfoot Trefoil - Rhizocoated (Lb) 1.05 lbs $8.50, 5 lbs $38.25 SPI200 Bloat Resist Pasture Mix (Irrigated) 1.05 lbs $5.70, 5 lbs $25.65 SCL811 Cowpeas, Iron & Clay - Raw (Lb) 1.05 lbs $2.30, 5 lbs $10.35 SLL200 Herbal Lawn Mix (oz) 0.10 lbs $7.99, 2 oz $15.98 Subtotal $90.23
Shipping (15.95 lbs total weight) Priority Mail Shipping $39.56
Grand Total $129.79
Species | Grazing |
Birdsfoot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus | Very good. |
Cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata | Good. |
Sunn Hemp, Crotalaria juncea | Ok fodder as adult plants? Seeds poisonous? |
Pigeon Pea, Cajanus cajan | Ok fodder as adult plants. |
Ryegrass, Lolium spp. | Very good. |
Sudangrass, Sorghum bicolor | Good fodder as adult plant. Versus other sorghums, Sudangrass has low levels of dhurrin. Content is highest in young plants. The recommendation is not to graze until the plant is 18 to 20 inches tall, which is usually 5 to 6 weeks after planting. |
Sample | pH | P | K | Ca | Mg | notes |
E. Goat | 5 | 26 | 194 | 272 | 106 | The worst, as expected, given the goat erosion. |
NW Pasture | 6.3 | 49 | 562 | 2018 | 678 | Better than expected, especially in pH and potassium. Perhaps several years of grass coverage has actually preserved or built some topsoil. |
House | 5.5 | 28 | 104 | 458 | 130 | Worse than expected. It might be that we sampled an area of clay, or might be the result of bulldozer scraping the pad when the house was built. |
CTAHR 'expected' | 6.15 | 67.5 | 300 | 3500 | 700 |